Section 1. This committee shall be known as the W.L.E.P.O.A. Recreation Committee.

ARTICLE II. Purpose:

Section 1. The purpose of this committee shall be to sponsor activities and events and to help subsidize those events that are not expected to be money-raising events.

ARTICLE III. Membership:

Section 1. Membership in the organization shall be open to all W.L.E. property owners and tenants of properties in good standing.
Section 2. There will be no dues.
Section 3. New members may join at any Recreation Meeting by giving their name, address, and phone number to one of the Recreation Chairpersons.
Section 4. An active Recreation member shall be defined as a person who chairs at least one major event, or participates as a helper to a chairperson in three events, or attends five meetings from September 1st through August 31st.

ARTICLE IV. Meetings:

Section 1. There will be 12 general meetings of recreation scheduled at which major business will be conducted, i.e. the second Saturday of each month when schedule permits.

Section 2. Additional or changed meetings will be announced in advance in the regular recreation meeting if the need should arise.

Section 3. Expenditures over $1,000.00 for non-budgeted items must be passed by a quorum of at least ten active members and subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Expenditures between $251.00 and $1,000.00 must be passed by a quorum of at least ten active members. Section 5. Expenditures under $250.00 are to be approved by any of the three officers. (Tri-chairs).

ARTICLE V. Officers and Their Duties:

Section 1. Starting November 2018, active members of the Recreation Committee will elect one of the two newly elected Tri chairs for an additional Year, which the term will end in 2021. All new election will be for a three-year terms. Thus, we will have one Tri-Chairperson elected each year. All new elections will have nominations in August and Election in September.

Section 2. Vacancies for Tri-Chairpersons may be filled by a person elected by the majority of the Recreation Committee. Each person so elected shall serve until a successor is elected by the Committee at their next election or at a special meeting called for that purpose. Each person so elected or designated shall be a Tri-Chairperson to serve for the balance of the unexpired term. Unexpired terms will be served in accordance to who received the most votes. The person receiving the most votes will fill the expired term with the most years remaining and so on until the least amount of votes and years to fulfill.

Section 3. The officers of this committee shall be three Recreation Chairpersons and a secretary.

Section 4. The Tri-Chairpersons shall be deemed equal and share equally in all responsibilities, i.e. to preside at all meetings; approve of all expenditures from the Recreation checking account; review monthly balance sheet supplied by the Administration Office and report same to the membership at meetings. They shall also have the responsibility of appointing a committee chairperson for the stocking of the bar; ordering paper goods for functions; ordering supplies for the Main Club House; tent assembly and removal; recreation publicity and pantry inventory.

Section 5. Secretary shall be responsible for keeping minutes of the Committee meetings and give copies of same to the chairpersons, Administrative Office and Board representative; prepare correspondence for Chairpersons signature.

Section 6. In the event of an emergency for a regularly scheduled meeting or the absence of a chair person, the committee of the whole will appoint a temporary chair to conduct
the meeting.

ARTICLE VI. Activity Guidelines:

Section 1. Activity Chairpersons running events must pick up and abide by the Information Sheet, which is available from one of the Tri-chairpersons.

Section 2. Chairpersons running events must fill out a Recreation Work Event Sheet, which is available from one of the Tri-chairpersons, and return the completed sheet to the office along with a copy to one of the Tri-chairpersons after the event.

Section 3. Any vendor hired, and the cost of the event is $600.00 or more, the vendor will need to complete a W-9. A W-9 needs to be completed for a single event of $600.00 or more and/or $600.00 or more for multiple events in a calendar year. The vendor will receive a 1099 from the office.

The vendor will need to provide a certificate of insurance with WLEPOA listed as an additional insured or certificate holder. In lieu of a certificate of insurance the vendor can
sign a hold harmless agreement.

Section 4. Posting publicity posters for events and activates is the responsibility of those in charge of the event. Information, in writing, should be submitted well in advance to the Administration Office and Publicity chairperson for bulletin boards, inform-a-phone, activity sheet, recreation posters and to Recreation Tri-chairpersons for Internet. Flyers should be removed after the event is held.

Section 5. Recreation will donate $400.00 towards the Staff Holiday Party.

Section 6. A master calendar is located in the office and website listing all planned activities in the community and the name of the chairperson for each event when possible. The master calendar is the responsibility of the Main Office Staff or Representative.

Section 7. Clubs / Organizations which have been approved by the Board of Directors and are governed by by-laws approved also by the Board of Directors may hold functions in P.O.A. facilities during the winter months and also hold one major Saturday night event during July and August when not in conflict with scheduled recreation events. Funds received from these events are to be used by the club according to P.O.A. Rules and Regulations for Clubs / Organizations.

Section 8. Major events, which could be in conflict with each other, should not be scheduled on the same day.

Section 9. Events budgeted $2000 or more requires a chair-person and a co-chairperson.

Section 10. Event Chairperson is entitled to two free tickets to their event and allowed up to Twenty Five dollars for gas money.

ARTICLE VII. Financial Guidelines:

Section 1. Recreation money is in a separate Money Market account.

Section 2 Treasury funds are handled by the P.O.A. office.

ARTICLE VIII. Amendments:

Section 1. Amendments or changes to the Rules and Guidelines must be passed by a quorum of at least 15 W.L.E. residents (active in Recreation) and subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE IX. Refunds Policy:

Section 1. No refunds shall be given for any food function after food has been ordered and or purchased.

Section 2. No refunds shall be given for any non-food function without notice 48 hours prior to said function or as posted.

Section 3. The only exception to be considered to the no refund policy is the possibility of re-sale of canceled tickets and or medical emergency as approved by Recreation Tri-chairpersons.

ARTICLE X. Courtesy and Conduct of volunteers:

Section 1. All volunteers working any event will conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Should a problem arise with any person during said function, volunteers shall not confront him/her/them. This problem shall be made known to the person chairing the event and he/she/they shall handle the matter respectfully. If a reasonable solution cannot be obtained, the matter shall be taken up together within the office with the General Manager, Board of Directors, Tri-chairperson of Recreation and chairperson of function.

Section 2. Should any problem ever become seriously out of control during any function, security shall be called to mediate for safety reasons.

Section 3. Tri-chairpersons, chairpersons of functions, and volunteers alike, shall keep in mind that anytime they discuss any recreation matters, either on or off W.L.E.P.O.A property, they are still representing W.L.E. and Recreation.