The activity chairperson is responsible for all publicity for their event. This includes:

  1. Inform-a-phone: (at least one month in advance when possible) – Submit information to
  2. Office.
  3. Poster Information: To Publicity officer
  4. Posters for all bulletin boards include: Office, West Gate, Main Gate, Adult Lodge, bulletin board outside Adult Lodge, Beaver Lodge, Indoor Pool; Beaver Pool in the summer. Check with Tri-Chairpersons at least two weeks in advance if you plan to use beer, soda, paper goods, etc.


  • Large expenditures, such as food for dinner dances, etc., shall be subject to approval of the recreation Chairpersons prior to actually spending the money or signing a contract.
  • Total expenses of over $250.00 (excluding band) requires the approval of the recreation Chairpersons.
  • The Recreation Chairpersons must approve cash advances in excess of $100.00 for recreation functions.
  • Any checks required, have to be approved by the Recreation Chairpersons. A request sheet has to be submitted to the Office Monday – Friday one week before needed and can be picked up 2-3 days later. No checks can be written on a weekend or Monday.
  • If an affair is to be catered, the Office must approve the caterer. All caterers must have insurance and be bonded in order to use kitchen at the Main Club House.
  • Discuss with General Manager any movement or needs in any facility. Maintenance is available to help you.
  • Contact the Office when you want the facilities opened and closed. Contact Chairpersons when you want the pantry, refrigerator or freezer opened.
  • Any event must have a sign in sheet at the door for all who attend.
  • Recreation files of previous events are in the Office for your reference. These files cannot be removed from Office.
  • Before purchasing any new decorations check with Recreation Chairpersons to see what is available to avoid duplication. Decorations are stored in Recreation Room in the barn.
  • All tables should be cleared and the kitchen cleaned and returned to the manner in which it was at the beginning or preparations for event. An announcement should be made reminding people to clean off their table before leaving. Soda and beer cans should be placed in bins. We are recycling – please try to help us. Please vacuum rug (vacuum is in coat closet).
  • Submit all bills/receipts with Recreation Work Event Sheet after the event is over to the office. Supply a copy to Recreation Chairpersons.
  • Functions for the MCH should be limited to no more than 175 people.


Provide entertainment to the community with the goal of at least breaking even and hopefully make a profit.